退學作業Guidelines for Withdrawal

(作業流程Withdrawal Procedures 退學離校申請表Withdrawal Application Form

退費作業Refund Process)



主辦單位:教務處註冊組Sponsor: Section of Registry
聯絡電話:Campus Phone 03-4227151分機Ext. 57115~57118、57122~57125
辦理時間Application Date:
(一) 勒令退學日期:第一學期為九月、一月,第二學期為二月、七月。For coerced withdrawal: September & January for the 1st semester; February & July for the 2nd semester.
(二) 自動退學申請時間:隨時辦理。Self-withdrawal: Anytime
法令依據:本校學則第二十一、二十二、四十、四十二、四十四、四十五、四十六、四十七、六十條。Study Regulations: Article 21, 22, 40, 42, 44, 45, 46, 47, 60.

一、 學士班學生有下列情形者,應予退學Undergraduates under one of the following conditions will receive withdrawal:
1. 入學或轉學資格經審核不合者。Status of registration or transference is ineligible.
2. 操行成績不及格者。Failing grade of conduct achievements.
3. 學業成績不及格,有本學則第二十一條、第二十二條情形者。Failing course grades and under the description of Article 21 and 22 of NCU School Discipline.
4. 休學期滿未申請復學,亦未繼續申請休學者。Students who neither apply for further suspension nor re-enrollment after the end of suspension.
5. 逾期未註冊,亦未於規定期間請准休學者。Students who neither register nor apply for suspension at due time.
6. 修業期滿,經延長修業期限仍無法修滿主系規定科目與學分者。Students who are unable to complete courses and credits required by the major department on schedule.
7. 自動申請退學者。Students who apply for self-withdrawals.
8. 事前未經本校學系同意,同時具有雙重學籍者。Students who acquire double student status without official permission from the department or college in advance.
9. 其他依本學則及本校其他規章應予退學者。Other conditions noted in NCU Study Regulation or other regulations.

二、 研究生有下列情形之一者應予退學:Graduate students under one of the following conditions will receive withdrawal:
1. 在規定期限內學位考試或資格考核未通過。Unable to pass degree or qualification examination on schedule.
2. 修業期限屆滿,而仍未修足應修科目與學分或未通過學位考試者。修業年限依第五十七條規定。Students who are unable to complete required courses and credits or pass degree examination on schedule. This regulation of study duration is based on Article 57 of School Principle.
3. 全學期所修科目,全部曠考或學期學業成績全部零分者Absence in all course examination or receiving no marks in all courses in one semester.
4. 入學資格經審查不合者。Status of registration is ineligible.
5. 操行成績不合格者。Failing grade of conduct achievement.
6. 休學期滿未申請復學,亦未繼續申請休學者。Students who neither apply for further suspension nor resumption after the end of suspension.
7. 逾期未註冊,亦未於規定期間請准休學者。Students who neither register nor apply for suspension at due time.
8. 自動申請退學者。Students who apply for self-withdrawals.
9. 事前未經本校系、所同意,同時具有雙重學籍者。Students who acquire double student status without official permission from the department or college in advance.
10. 其他依本學則及本校其他規章應予退學者。Other conditions noted in NCU Study Regulation or other regulations.

三、 學生應向本組辦理退學離校手續,如在校修滿一學期以上,具有成績,其學籍並經審查合格且退學離校手續業已辦理完成者,始得申請轉學修業證明書及中、英文成績單。Students should complete the procedure of withdrawal and leaving school in the Section of Registry. Students who have already studied more than one semester, have their student status verified and have completed the procedure of leaving school, can apply for relevant documents for transference including Chinese and English transcripts, and other certificates.

四、 開除學籍Student status under following conditions will be expelled:
1. 入學資格經審查不合格者,不發給有關修業之任何證明文件。No degree certificate will be conferred if the status of registration is ineligible.
2. 學生所繳學經歷證件,如有假借、冒用、偽造或變造等情事,一經查明,即予開除學籍,除通知其家長或監護人外不發給與修業有關之任何證明文件。如在畢業後發現,勒令繳還畢業證書,並公告取消畢業資格。If students submit documents and certificates that are of counterfeiting, forgery, fraudulence and alteration, student status will be immediately invalid. No degree certificate will be conferred and custodians will be informed. If fraudulence is found after graduation, diploma must be returned and degree will be canceled and bulletined.

五、 勒令退學或開除學籍學生得依本校「學生申訴評議委員會組織辦法」之規定期限內提出申訴。Based on the Organization Policy of Student Appeal and Counsel Committee, withdrawers can submit appeal on schedule.

六、 辦理退學時,若為自動退學請填具退學離校申請表,並繳回學生證;勒令退學者,只需辦理離校申請表,並繳回學生證。When applying for withdrawal, self-withdrawers should fill out the application form of withdrawal and leaving school, and return their student ID cards; coerced withdrawers should only fill out the form of leaving school and return their student ID cards.

七、 學生辦妥退學申請且未逾學期三分之二者得依退費標準辦理退費。Applicants may receive refund if the application for suspension is completed before 2/3 of the semester.

八、委託他人須附上 1-01 學籍與成績業務申辦委託書,受託人須出示身分證明文件以備查驗。
Entrust others to go to the counter of the school to apply, please fill out the application form and attach the power of attorney( 1-01 Letter of Authorization for the Submission of Registration and Achievement business Applications). The trustee must show the proof of identity document for inspection.