
Guidelines for Tuition Refund

(退費申請表Refund Application Form)


一、 為辦理本校學生休學、退學、學期中畢業離校之退費相關事宜,依教育部
「專科以上學校學雜費收取辦法」、「專科以上學校向學生收取費用辦法」及本校學則第八條規定訂定「國立中央大學學生離校退費作業要點」。Matters related to refunds due to suspension, withdrawal or graduation during a semester are under the
“Guidelines for NCU Students to Refund Tuition from School Leaving,” which is stipulated in
accordance with the “College-level and Above Tuition Fee Policy”, “College-level and Above Fees and
Charges Policy” regulated by the Ministry of Education, and Article 8 of NCU Study

二、 學生辦妥休、退學申請或核准畢業離校者得辦理退費,請填寫退費欲撥入之帳戶資料( 退費申請表)。
Students who complete the procedure of leaving school due to suspension, withdrawal or graduation, can apply for tuition refund. Please fill
out theaccount and other relevant information (Refund Application Form) for the refund.

三、 退費標準如下列 Regulations of Tuition Refund are as follows:
1. 有遞補制度之一年級新生及轉學生,於學校招生遞補截止日(含)之前申請退學(放棄)者,扣除行政手續費(亦即應繳之學雜費、學分費、學雜費基數等費用總和之百分之五)後,全額退費。
If the application is submitted before (and on) the date of student recruitment, freshmen and transfer students under the system of student vacant fulfillment may receive full refund after the administrative procedure fees (5% of the total tuition) are deducted.
2. 註冊日(含)之前申請休、退學、保留學籍者免繳費。
(※新生應先完成註冊程序始可辦理休學,註冊日(含)之前申請休學者退還所繳各費)Before or on the registration day, applicants of suspension,
withdrawal or status retention do not need to pay any tuition. (*However new students will have to register first before applying for
withdrawal or suspension. All fees and charges will be refunded to those who apply for suspension before or on the registration day.)
3. 註冊日之次日起至上課日之前一日申請休、退學者。退還學費(或學雜費
Application submitted after the registration day and before the day school begins may receive 2/3 of the tuition refund (or tuition base) and full
refund from other incidentals (or credit fee). The regulation cannot apply if the day of registration is the same as the school begins.
4. 上課日後,未逾學期三分之一申請休、退學及核准畢業離校者。退還學雜費(或學分費、學雜費基數)及其餘各費總和之三分之二。
2/3 of the total tuition (or course fee or tuition base) will be refunded if the application for suspension, withdrawal or leaving school is submitted before the 1/3 of the semester.
5. 上課日後,逾學期三分之一,未逾學期三分之二申請休、退學及核准畢
1/3 of the total tuition (or course fee or tuition base) will be refunded if application for suspension, withdrawal or leaving school is submitted after the 1/3 of
thesemester but before 2/3 of the semester.
6. 上課日後,逾學期三分之二申請休、退學及核准畢業離校者。所繳各費,不予退還。
Application for refund will not be accepted if applicants submit the form after2/3 of the semester.
7 .委託他人須附上 1-01 學籍與成績業務申辦委託書,受託人須出示身分證明文件以備查驗。
Entrust others to go to the counter of the school to apply, please fill out the application form and attach the power of attorney( 1-01 Letter of Authorization for the Submission of Registration and Achievement business Applications). The
trustee must show the proof of identity document for inspection.