休學作業Guidelines for Suspension

(作業流程Suspension Procedures  休學離校申請表Suspension Application Form  退費作業Fee Refunds)

主辦單位:教務處註冊組 Sponsor: Section of Registry
聯絡電話Campus Phone:03-4227151分機Ext.57115~57118、57122~57125
申請時間Application Date:

  1. 休學手續若於註冊日前辦妥,則免交學雜、學分費。(新生入學第一學期應完成註冊程序後始能辦理休學)If the application for suspension is done before registration day, tuition, incidentals and course fee will not be needed. (Suspension can only be applied after the registration of the first semester is completed)
  2. 休學申請最晚應於校曆明訂之休學申請截止日前辦妥。The procedure should be completed before the due day of application scheduled on the school calendar.

Study Regulations: Article 38, Article 39, Article 40 of NCU Study Regulations and relevant laws and rules.


  1. 應檢附之文件Required Documents:
    1. 相關證明文件。Relevant proofs.
    2. 休學離校手續申請表。Application form for suspension
    3. 學士班新生需繳交身份證及學歷證明影本。Incoming freshmen should hand in a copy of ID card and the diploma.
    4. 委託他人須附上1-01學籍與成績業務申辦委託書,受託人須出示身分證明文件以備查驗。Entrust others to go to the counter of the school to apply, please fill out the application form and attach the power of attorney( 1-01 Letter of Authorization for the Submission of Registration and Achievement business Applications). The trustee must show the proof of identity document for inspection.
  2. 學生辦妥休學申請且未逾學期三分之二者得依退費標準辦理退費。
    Applicants may receive refund in accordance with the refund policy if the application for suspension is completed before 2/3 of the semester.