Guidelines for applying for Minors
主辦單位:教務處註冊組sponsor: Section of Registry
Application Date: In accordance with the school calendar.
- 各學系學士班學生自第二學年起至修業年限最後一年第二學期止(不包括延長修業年限)提出申請修讀輔系。NCU undergraduate students can apply for minor program of other department dated from the second study year to the second semester of the last study year (Extended study years are not included).
- 學生申請修讀輔系,應於本校行事曆規定之申請期限內提出申請,先向原肄業主系提出修讀輔系申請,經審查認其確具修讀輔系能力者,送請所選輔系系主任同意,再送教務長核准。Application for minor program should be first verified by the major department, then by the chair person of the intended minor program department and submit the verified application to the Dean of Academic Affairs for final ratification. All procession should be on the schedule of school calendar.
- 輔系課程應以本校各學系必修科目表為依據,至少修習其專業(門) 科目二十學分以上,並由各學系決定其專業(門)必修科目至少三十學分以供學生修習。輔系應修科目學分,以申請學年度編印之教務章則所訂之各學系輔系科目表為準。Students taking minor program should at least select 20 credits of professional courses from the minor program, in which those courses will be based on all required subjects of each department in NCU.
- 凡修讀輔系學生,其每學期學業成績應以主系及輔系科目與學分合併計算,並依照本校學則有關規定辦理。For student taking minor program, grades of every semester will be calculated in combination of subjects and credits of both major and minor programs, and will be regulated according to NCU Study Refulations.
凡修滿輔系規定之科目與學分,成績及格者,其學位證書、歷年成績單及其他相關之證明文件均加註輔系名稱 ,但畢業時其尚未修滿輔系規定之科目與學分者,其畢業證書不予加註輔系名稱,亦不得在法令規定年限外請求留校補修輔系科目與學分。If subjects and credits required by the minor programs are all completed and their grades are above C, students taking minor program will have the title of the minor program in the degree certificate, transcript and other relevant proofing documents. However, the degree certificate will not have the title of the minor program if students have not yet completed the subjects and credits required by the minor program at graduation, nor shall students apply for extra time for completing those subjects and credits after the appointed year.
- 學生於規定修業年限屆滿,未修足輔系之科目與學分,不得申請發給有關輔系之任何證明。Certificate of minor program will not be conferred if students did not complete the subjects and credits required by the minor program when appointed study year is expired.
- 修讀輔系學生,擬終止修讀輔系者,應至教務處申明放棄並取銷其輔系資格。放棄修讀輔系資格學生,當學期已選定之課程,不得於加退選期限截止後要求退選。放棄修讀輔系資格後,已修習及格之輔系科目學分是否採計為主系選修學分,應經主系系主任認定。To apply for minor program cancellation, please come to the office of Academic Affairs for application for renouncing the status of minor program. Courses already selected during the semester of cancellation cannot be dropped if the date of course selection ends. After cancellation, the validity of additional subjects and credits achieved will depend on the decision of the chair person of the first major department.
- 修讀輔系學生如在規定修業年限未修滿輔系科目學分者,得延長修業年限二年,如仍未修滿得以主系畢業。Extension of two years is allowed if students cannot completed subjects and credits required by the minor program. If still unable to complete the required subjects and credits, student can choose to graduate with only the major degree.