
Application for Rank Certificate

(作業流程Procedures 各類學籍與成績證明書申請表Application Form for Various Types of Student Status and Grade Certificate)


主辦單位Sponsor:教務處註冊組 Registrar’s Office
聯絡電話Contact Information:03-4227151分機ext. 57115~57118、57122~57125
辦理時間Processing Times:辦公時間隨時受理。Business hours.
Regulations: NCU Study Regulation and NCU Application Procedures for Various Types of Students Status and Grade Certificate.

Enrolled Students, Graduating Class:
1. 請直接到本校【教研大樓一樓羅家倫講堂旁】【自動化服務系統】(投幣機)辦理。在校生以學號+身份證後四碼;畢業生以身份證號+出生年月日進入系統。To apply for rank certificate, please use the “Automation System and Services coin machine”near by Luo Jia-Lun Hall on the“1st floor of Teaching & Research Building”. To log in the system, current students please enter student numbers and the last four digits of ID card number; alumni please enter the last four digits of their ID card number along with their birth year and date.
2. 【自動化服務系統】(投幣機)開放使用時間為:星期一至星期五上午八點到下午五點(例假日不開放)。Service hour of“Automation System and Services Coin Machine”: available at 8:00-17:00, from Monday to Friday; closed on Saturday, Sunday and National Holiday.

Graduates After the Registration of the School Year 2006:
1. 請至【教研大樓一樓羅家倫講堂旁】【自動化服務系統】(投幣機)繳費,持收據至三樓註冊組取件。Go to Luo Jia-Lun Hall on the“1st floor of Teaching & Research Building apply through “the automated system (the coin machine). Take the receipt to the Registrar’s Office, on the 3rd floor, for the certificate.
2. 以身份證號+出生年月日進入自動化服務系統,點選「其他各類學籍及成績證明書」,持收據至行政大樓三樓註冊組取件。To enter the automated system, please press digits of ID card number along with your birth year and date. Select “Various Types of Students Status and Grade Certificate,” then take the receipt to the Registrar’s Office, on the 3rd floor, for the certificate.

★ 95學年度以後入學之休、退學生請以人工方式申請:
Manual Application for Withdrawals/ Suspension after the Registration of School Year 2006:
1. 填妥【各類學籍與成績證明書申請表】後至出納組繳費,再交給三樓註冊組承辦人列印名次證明書。Please fill in the application form, then pay the fees at the Cashier Office, and hand the form to the clerk of the Registrar’s Office, on the 3rd floor, for the certificate

★95學年度以前入學之學生、博士生無法申請名次證明書,請勿在投幣機操作,系統將無法列印您的文件,已繳金額無法退費,僅能轉換其他成績證明文件。Those who enrolled before the school year 2006 should not apply the rank certificate through the coin machine. The system will not be able to print the document. If the payment is made, it is not refundable. Application fees already paid can be transferred to other certificates application.

★郵寄方式申請 :
Apply at the Post Office:
1. 若在校生或畢業校友不克至校申請、取件,則填妥【各類學籍與成績證明書申請表】,連同工本費、與【貼妥足資郵票之回郵信封】一併寄至本組。If NCU enrolled students or graduates are unable to personally apply or pick up the document. Please fill in the “Application Form for Various Types of Students Status and Grade Certificate,” send the form along with the processing fees and self-addressed stamped envelope to the Registrar’s Office.
2. 費用:工本費每份新台幣20元,請附現金或匯票,匯票抬頭請書寫【國立中央大學401專戶】,如不相符一律以退件處理。切勿以郵票代替工本費。Fees: NT$20 for each application. You may pay in cash or with a postal order entitled “National Central University.” Application which contains inconsistency in information will be returned to the applicant. Do not replace the fees with stamps.
3. 收件地址為:(32001)桃園市中壢區中大路300號教務處註冊組收Mail to: No. 300, Jhongda Rd., Jhongli District, Taoyuan City 32001, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
★委託他人須附上1-01學籍與成績業務申辦委託書,受託人須出示身分證明文件以備查驗。Entrust others to go to the counter of the school to apply, please fill out the application form and attach the power of attorney( 1-01 Letter of Authorization for the Submission of Registration and Achievement business Applications). The trustee must show the proof of identity document for inspection.