
Guidelines for Grade Skipping


(作業流程 提高編級申請表)


主辦單位:教務處註冊組sponsor: Section of Registry
Application Date: During the appointed date for credits exemption in the first semester of the enrollment.
一、 提高編級,於辦理學分抵免時一併提出申請,以一次為限。經核准者,不得申請變更或撤銷。Grade-skipping is only allowed to apply for once and should be submitted along with the application of credit waiving. Alternation or withdrawal is not allowed once the application is ratified.
二、 學士班學生,得依其抵免學分申請提高編級。抵免畢業應修學分數四十學分以上者得編入二年級、抵免畢業應修學分數七十八學分以上者得編入三年級。編入年級由各學系(學位學程)裁定。Undergraduates can apply for grade skipping according to the total of the advanced standing credits. Students with more than 40 advanced standing credits are able to enroll in the second grade; students with more than 78 advanced standing credits are able to enroll in the third grade. (Which Grade to skip would be determined by the department)
三、 轉學生依錄取年級入學為原則,但如抵免學分符合前款提高編級之規定者,得申請提高編級。Transfer students will be enrolled within the admitted grade in principle. But if the advanced standing credits achieve certain amount (see the last regulation), students can apply for grade skipping.
四、 提高編級學生,畢業應修科目與學分,依新編入之年級相關規定修習。For students skipping grade, the regulation of required courses and credits for graduation should refer to each department..
五、 學生轉入二年級者,在本校修業期限為三年,至少修滿八十二學分;學生轉入三年級者,在本校修業期限為二年,至少修滿五十學分。For students who enroll in second grade, the studying duration is limited to 3 years and at least 82 credits are required to achieve. For students who enroll in third grade, the studying duration is limited to 2 years and at least 50 credits are required to achieve.