
Guidelines for Credits Exemption

(作業流程  學分抵免申請表)


主辦單位:教務處註冊組sponsor: Section of Registry
Required Document: Transcript and course certificate from the original school.

一、 凡曾在符合教育部採認規定之國內外大專校院修讀並持有原始分數之成績單或學分證明者,得申請抵免學分。Students who have received education at national or overseas universities recognized by the Ministry of Education with transcript or course certificate can apply for credits exemption.
二、 學生抵免學分數多寡、編入年級及配合規定如下Regulations for credits exemption are as follows:
1. 學士班學生可抵免學分總數由各學系(學位學程)自行規範,惟自轉入年級起每學期至少應修學分數不得減少。The total of credits exemption for undergraduates are regulated by each department or professional courses; except that required credits for every semester should not be deducted in the following semesters after transfer.
2. 學士班學生,得依其抵免學分申請提高編級。抵免畢業應修學分數四十學分以上者得編入二年級、抵免畢業應修學分數七十八學分以上者得編入三年級。編入年級由各學系(學位學程)裁定。Undergraduates can apply for grade skipping according to the total of the advanced standing credits. Students with more than 40 advanced standing credits are able to enroll in the second grade; students with more than 78 advanced standing credits are able to enroll in the third grade. (Which Grade to skip would be determined by the department)
3. 轉學生依錄取年級入學為原則,但如抵免學分符合前款提高編級之規定者,得申請提高編級。Transfer students will be enrolled within the admitted grade in principle. But if the advanced standing credits achieve certain amount (see the last regulation), students can apply for grade skipping.
4. 提高編級,於辦理學分抵免時一併提出申請,以一次為限。經核准者,不得申請變更或撤銷。Grade-skipping is only allowed to apply for once and should be submitted along with the application of credit waiving. Alternation or withdrawal is not allowed once the application is ratified.
5. 提高編級學生,畢業應修科目與學分,依各該年級相關規定修習。For students skipping grade, the regulation of required courses and credits for graduation should refer to each department.
6. 學士班新生入學前於專科學校修習及格之科目與學分,學校亦得酌情辦理抵免。五專畢業生其一至三年級視同高中、高職階段,其課程不宜抵免。Depending on circumstances, the school should let new undergraduates who receive credits in junior colleges apply for credits exemption. Junior college graduates should not apply for credits exemption on subjects they received from 1st to 3rd grade of junior college, since those three years are equal to the stage of high school.
7. 入學本校前修習及格之科目,至入學時已超過十年者,不得抵免。Students may not apply for credits exemption if intended subjects were accomplished more than ten years ago.
8. 研究生抵免學分數之上限,由各學系(所、專班、學位學程)自訂。惟研究生在本校修業期間至少要修習一學分以上研究所課程。The total number of credits exemption for graduate students are regulated by each department, graduate program, professional courses or degree courses; yet graduate students should at least take one credits of graduate course during the studying in NCU.
三、 抵免學分之範圍如下Scope for credits exemption are as follows:
1. 必修學分(含共同科目)。Required credits, including common subjects.
2. 選修學分。Selective credits.
3. 學士班輔系(輔學程)學分。Undergraduate minor (professional) credits.
4. 學士班雙主修學分。Undergraduate double major credits.
5. 學分學程。Professional courses credits.
四、 抵免學分之原則如下The principles of credits exemption are as follows:
1. 名稱、內容相符而學分相同者。Credits of same title, content and total.
2. 名稱不同、內容相符而學分相同者。Credits of different title but same content and total.
3. 名稱、內容相符而學分不同者。Credits of same title and content and different total.
五、 不同學分互抵後之處理,規定如下Regulations foe exempting different credits are as follows:
1. 以多抵少者:抵免後,以少學分登記。Credits exempted from fewer against more credits: Registered with fewer credits after exemption
2. 以少抵多者:抵免部分學分後無法補修另一部份學分者,不得抵免;抵免部分學分後可補修另一部份學分者,應由修讀學系(所、專班、學位學程)指定性質相符科目補修,以補足所差學分。Credits exempted from more against fewer credits: For insufficient credits with no subjects of similar nature available, exemption will not be approved. Credits exemption will only be approved when the insufficiency is mended by taking subjects appointed by the department, graduate program, professional courses and degree courses.
3. 以學分抵免零學分者:抵免後以零學分登記。Exemption from zero against courses with credits: registered with zero after exemption.
六、 抵免學分之申請時間如下Date of application please refer to the previous information of date:
1. 新生(含轉學生)應於入學第一學期或第二學期校曆規定時間內辦理。New students (including the transfer) should complete the procedure during the appointed period according to the school calendar of the first semester or the second semester.
2. 在校生應於取得學分後次學期校曆規定時間內辦理。Students at school should complete the procedure during the appointed period according to the school calendar of the next semester after credits received.
3. 轉系(所、組、專班、學位學程)學生應於轉入該系(所、組、專班、學位學程)之第一學期或第二學期校曆規定時間內辦理。Transfer student should go complete the procedure during the appointed period according to the school calendar of the first semester or the second semester.
七、 抵免學分之審核,經修讀學系(所、專班、學位學程)同意後轉請相關開課單位審核。抵免學分之複核由教務處負責辦理。學生辦理學分抵免經核准後,各學期所修學分仍不得少於最低應修學分數。Ratification of credits exemption will be processed by relevant teaching units after the permission of applicants’ department, graduate program, professional courses and degree courses. After the application for credits exemption are ratified, the total of credits taken by applicants in every semester should not be less than the lowest required total of credits.
八、 經核准抵免科目、學分將登記於學生成績表內,其成績不列入學期及畢業平均分數,僅於成績表內之成績欄位註明「抵免」字樣。Subjects and credits ratified for credits exemption will be registered in transcript, but the grades will not be accorded in the average grade of the semester and graduation. In transcript, they will only be presented as “Credits Exempted” in the chart of the grades.
九、 各學系(所、專班、學位學程)學分抵免辦法,得由本校各學系(所、專班、學位學程)自訂規則,其辦法經教務會議核備後實施。各學系(所、專班、學位學程)辦法有較嚴謹規定者從其之,未規定事項悉依本抵免辦法辦理。Regulations of credits exemption of each department, graduate program, professional courses and degree courses will be instituted respectively and practiced after ratified by the conference of Academic Affairs. If the regulations of each department, graduate program, professional courses and degree courses are more stringent, then the applicants should follow what is required by each department, graduate program, professional courses and degree courses, otherwise all will follow this regulation.