
Request for Official Transcript of Academic Record

(成績單申請表 Application Form for Academic Transcript)
Procedures for Chinese Translation of Transcript)
英文成績單作業流程Procedures for English Translation of Transcript)

(英文學位證明書作業流程 Procedures for English Translation of Degree Certificate)
(中文學位證明書影本用印流程Stamping Process for Photocopies of Degree Certificate in Chinese)
(英文學位證明書影本用印流程印 Stamping Process for Photocopies of Degree Certificate in English)


主辦單位Sponsor:教務處註冊組 Registrar’s Office
聯絡電話Contact Information:03-4227151分機ext. 57115~57118、57122~57125
辦理時間Processing Time:辦公時間隨時受理。Business Hours

法令依據:本校學則、本校「國立中央大學各類學籍與成績證明書申請辦法」。 Regulation: NCU Study Regulation, and NCU Application Procedures for Various Forms of Students Status and Grade Certificate.


  1. 欲以 Email/傳真/郵寄申請,請填妥 2-07-1 成績證(明)書申請-Email 傳真郵寄申請專用表格,相關說明請詳閱 2-07-1 說明
  2. 申請人確實為學生本人,如有虛偽不實者,願負法律責任。
    The applicant is indeed the student in person. If he or she is
    false, he or she is willing to bear the legal consequences.

  3. 受託人親辦須出示身分證明文件以備查驗;受託人通訊申請須附委託書及身分證明文件正面影本。
    The trustee must show the proof of identity
    document for inspection. The trustee's application by mailing must be accompanied by a positive
    copy of the letter of authorization and identity document.

  4. 申請成績單需在學一學期以上,具有成績、學籍經審核合格者。
    Those who want to apply for academic transcript must enroll
    at NCU for a minimum of 1 semester along with the scores and student status being
    verified as approved.

  5. 開除學籍或偽造學歷證件而勒令退學者,不發予有關學業之證明書。
    Those who are academically dismissed or expelled from
    school on account of fake diplomas will not be granted for transcript application.

  6. 申請英文學位證明書加註與護照相同之英文姓名,且只發給一份,如需較多份數,請自行黑白影印後再到校繳費用印,或郵寄至本組代為處理。英文學位證明書影本須註冊組蓋章確認並蓋鋼印才具效力。
    Those who apply for English translation of transcripts must enclose their English name which should be the same with the passport. NCU issues only one original copy of English transcript, for multiple copies of transcripts, please make photocopies of the original one in black and white and pay the fees to stamp them with an official university stamp, or, one can get
    the Registrar’s Office to do the job via postal mail. Photocopies of the English transcripts must be attested and stamped by Registrar’s Office along with a seal being affixed.

  7. 委託他人須附上 1-01 學籍與成績業務申辦委託書,受託人須出示身分證明文件以備查驗。
    Entrust others to go to the counter of the school
    to apply, please fill out the application form and attach the power of attorney( 1-01 Letter of Authorization for the Submission of Registration and Achievement business Applications). The trustee must show the proof of identity document for