
Double Major, Minor Study, Minor Specialty and Credit Program Abandonment Application

(申請表Application Form)


主辦單位:教務處註冊組Sponsor:  Registrar’s Office
聯絡電話Campus Phone:03-4227151分機ext. 57115~57118、57122~57125
法令依據:本校學生修讀雙主修、輔系、第二專長及學分學程辦法Study Regulation: NCU Regulations for the Double Majors, Minors, Minor Specialty and Credit Programs |


  1. 擬終止修讀者請親自填寫申請表,送請加修學程核章後,逕送教務處註冊組辦理,撤銷其修習資格。Those who do not plan to continue their studies must personally fill in the termination of studies application form, which should be submitted to the related department for ratification. After being approved by the Registrar’s Office, students’ eligibility for study will be annulled.
  2. 申請放棄修讀者,當學期已選定之課程,不得於加退選期限截止後要求退選。Those who apply for termination of study should not withdrawal the courses after the course withdrawal deadline.
修讀雙主修學生在修業年限或延長修業年限二年內,已修畢本系之應修科目與學分,而未修畢加修學系應修科目與學分者,得再延長修業年限一年或放棄雙主修而以本系畢業。Double majors having finished all courses and credits requirements from their original department within the period of schooling or within the 2 year’s extended schooling period, but have not finished all degree requirements from another major, should apply for the extension of 1 year’s schooling or abandon another major and graduate from their original major.