Guidelines for Applying for Professional Courses
主辦單位:教務處註冊組sponsor: Section of Registry
Application Date: In accordance with the school calendar.
一、 各學系學士班學生自修業第二年(研究生自一年級)起至最後一學期止(不包括延長修業年限),得申請修讀學分學程。Undergraduates are allowed to apply for professional courses from the second school year to the first semester of the last school year; graduate students may apply in the first school year. Yet the extended study years are not included.
二、 學生申請修讀學分學程,應於本校行事曆規定之申請期限內向原肄業主系(所)提出修讀學分學程申請,經審查認定其確具修讀學分學程能力者,送請規劃學分學程之單位主管同意,再送教務長核准。Applying for professional courses, applicants should get the first verification from the original department during the appointed time based on the school calendar, then by the supervisor of the unit of professional course before submitting the application to the Dean of Academic Affairs for final Ratification.
三、 修習學分學程除了於選修辦法中有特殊限定外,餘均開放各系、所學生修習,修習資格由各系所或開設學程單位自訂。Except for specific limitations noted in the Regulation of Selective courses, professional courses are open to every student. Qualification requirements are instituted by each unit of the professional course.
四、 各學分學程應修科目與學分數,以申請學年度編印之教務章則所訂之各學分學程選修辦法規定為準。Required subjects and credits for each professional course should be based on the Regulations of Professional Courses published by the Division of Academic Affairs in the applied academic year.
五、 學生修習學分學程有關學分成績之計算,悉依本校學則規定辦理,是否採計為畢業學分,應經主系、所認定之。The calculation of credits and grades for professional courses are in accordance with NCU Study Regulations. Whether the credits can be counted as graduation credits should inquire the major department for final recognition.
六、 修滿各學分學程選修辦法所規定科目與學分且成績及格者,在其成績單上加註「修畢xx學分學程xx學分」,並頒發學分學程證書。前項成績之及格標準:研究生為七十分,學士班學為六十分。Students who have completed professional courses with qualified grades according to the Regulations of Professional Courses, their transcripts will be noted with “____ (the number of) credits of ____ (the course name) is accomplished” and the certificate will be conferred as well. The standard grades qualification: graduate students should at least achieve B; undergraduates at least C.
七、 學生不得因修習學分學程而申請延長修業年限。Study years for professional courses cannot be extended.
八、 修讀學分學程學生,擬終止修讀學分學程者,應至教務處申明放棄並取銷其學分學程資格。放棄修讀學分學程資格學生,當學期已選定之課程,不得於加退選期限截止後要求退選。放棄修讀學分學程資格後,已修習及格之學分學程科目學分是否採計為主系(所)選修學分,應經主系(所)認定。For students of professional courses to apply for the cancellation, they need to complete the canceling procedure in the office of Academic affairs. If the courses are already selected, applicants cannot ask to drop the courses after the due day of course selection. Once the cancellation is confirmed, whether the credits already taken from the professional courses can be included as the selective credits for the major department, applicants should inquire the major department for final recognition.