一、 申請期限:每年依本校行事曆規定期限內,向註冊組提出申請,逾期不予受理。The time-limit of application: Application should be submitted to the Registration Section during the appointed period according to the school calendar.
二、 應辦手續Required procedure:
1. 填寫轉系(所)申請表乙份。Filling out the application form
2. 歷年成績單。Transcript
3. 系所規定文件Required documentations of the department
Please send the documents above to both original and intended department for approval before sending them to the office of Academic Affairs for ratification.
三、 大學部轉系注意事項Regulation for Undergraduates:
1. 第二學年開始前,得申請轉入各學系、組、學位學程二年級肄業。Students can transfer as sophomores before the second academic year begins.
2. 第三學年開始前,得申請轉入性質相近學系、組、學位學程三年級或性質不同學系、組、學位學程二年級肄業。If the student applies to transfer to another department before the third academic year begins, students can transfer to a related department as a junior, or to a dissimilar one as a sophomore.
3. 於第四學年開始前申請者,得轉入性質相近學系、組、學位學程四年級或性質不同學系、組、學位學程三年級肄業。If transfer to another department before the fourth academic year begins, the student can transfer to a similar department as a junior, or to an unrelated one as juniors.
4. 如自願降級轉系者應在申請表內註明降轉意願,但不得降轉至一年級肄業。Students who agree to a lower grade transfer should mark the agreement in the application form. Transfer to the first grade is not allowed.
5. 每人以申請轉入乙系為限,不得轉到第二系。Students are only allowed to transfer once, second transfer or more is not permitted.
6. 審核結果經系、所、學程送教務處彙整後提請教務長核定,核准轉系者,由註冊組書面通知;次學期即按新轉入系(組)註冊日期,到校註冊。If the application is ratified by the applicant's original/target departments, institutes, or programs, submitted to the Office of Academic Affairs, and approved by the vice president of academic affairs , the Division of Registrar will inform the applicant with a notification in written form. The students who transfer to a new department (or division) should go through the registration process on the registration date of the new/target department (or division).
四、 研究生申請轉系、所、組、學位學程,其轉入單位應針對其轉入年級、資格考要求規定、論文撰寫要求、學分抵免等相關規定之認定標準召開會議進行決議,並附上會議紀錄送教務長核定。For postgraduate students transferring to another department, the intended department must ratify the number of years the student has enrolled, regulations of qualifying exams, requirement on thesis, regulations and resolutions of advanced standing, etc. Conference record should be enclosed as well.