
Diploma Replacement

(作業流程Replacement Process  學位證書遺失補發申請表Replacement Diploma Form )


主辦單位:教務處註冊組Sponsor: Section of Registry
聯絡電話:Campus Phone 03-4227151分機Ext. 57115~57118、57122~57125
辦理時間:辦公時間內Application Date:Business hours
Processing Times: 3 business days from the time of receipt of the form

檢附文件Documents Required:
1. 身分證正、反面影本A copy of ID both card front and back
2. 需繳工本費 10 0 元 NT$ 100 for procedure fee

A. 需繳工本費 A. 郵寄申請之工本費請以【郵局匯票】支付,匯票抬頭務必填寫【國立中央大學401專戶】,如不相符一律以退件處理。
Th ose who apply diploma replacement through post office, p lease use “postal money order” to pay the procedure fe e . Be sure to write
“Natio nal Central University” on the title. If there is any inconsistency, the postal order will be returned.

B. 現場繳費者,請先到本校【教研大樓一樓羅家倫講堂旁】【自動化服務系統】(投幣機)繳費(在校生以學號+身份證後四碼;畢業生以身份證號+出生年月日進入系統),或行政大樓一樓【出納組】填單繳費
For those who want to pay on site for the procedure fee, please use the “Automation System and Services” near by Luo Jia-Lun Hall on the“1st floor of Teaching & Research Building”. To enter the system, students with enrollment status should input the student ID No. and last four digits of personal ID No.; graduates should input the personal ID No. and birth date.
Or, one can fill out the payment form at the “Cashier Office” at the 1st floor of Administrative Building.



Entrust others to go to the counter of the school to apply, please fill out the application form and attach the power of attorney( 1-01 Letter of Authorization for the Submission of Registration and Achievement business Applications). The trustee must show the proof of identity document for inspection.

填妥申請表,將身分證正反面影印本貼妥,並檢附工本 費與 貼妥 60 元郵票之 回郵信封(如親自取件則免附),送交教務處註冊組辦理。Fill out the application form, paste
the copy of bot h front and back of the personal ID card, attach the procedure fee and self addressed stamped envelope of NT$ 60 ’s worth personal pickup is exempted )), and submit it to the Office of Academic Affairs.