
Guidelines for Resumption of Studies

(作業流程Resumption Procedures  
休學生復學申請表Application Form for Resumption of Studies




主辦單位:教務處註冊組 Sponsor: Section of Registry
聯絡電話 Campus Phone:03-4227151 分機 Ext. 57115~57118、57122~57125
Dates: July 1st – 31st during the first semester; January 1st – 31st during the second semester.
Study Regulations: Article 40, Article 41 of NCU Study Regulations

一、 休學期滿不復學者,以退學論。Students will receive withdrawal if application for resumption is not submitted after the end of suspension.

二、 學生因應徵服役者申請休學者,俟休學期滿檢送退伍令申請復學。學生因懷孕申請休學者,俟休學期滿,應檢附子女出生證明及相關證明文件申請復學。For students who apply for suspension due to military service, the proof of discharge is required for school resumption when suspension expires. For students who apply for suspension due to pregnancy, birth certificate and relative documents are required for school resumption when suspension expires.

三、學生申請復學,應經系(學位學程)同意,並經由教務長核准,復學時仍應在原肄業之學系(組、班、學位學程)及相銜接年級肄業。休學時,學期未結束者,復學時不得申請補考,並應在原休學之學系(組、班、學位學程)及年級肄業。前項原肄業學系(組、班、學位學程)變更或停辦時,應輔導學生至適當學系(組、班、學位學程)肄業。學生復學後,其畢業資格條件依其入學當年度學則及本校相關規章審查認定之。When applying for re-enrollment, applicant should get the ratification both from the department (degree program) and the dean of Academic Affairs. If suspension effects during the semester, returnees should re-enroll for the original department (group, class, degree program) or graduate program and stay in the same grade before the suspension. Make-up exams are unavailable when resuming school studies if their suspension begin during the semester and should stay in the original department (group, class, degree program) and academic year or semester. When the original department (group, class, degree program) is changed or shut down, applicants will be guided to other appropriate department (group, class, degree program) to resume schooling. When the resumption is done, the graduation requirements will be decided and verified by Study Regulations of the re-enroll academic year and other relevant NCU rules.

四、委託他人須附上 1-01 學籍與成績業務申辦委託書,受託人須出示身分證明文件以備查驗。
Entrust others to go to the counter of the school to apply, please fill out the application form and attach the power of attorney( 1-01 Letter of Authorization for the Submission of Registration and Achievement business Applications). The trustee must show the proof of identity document for inspection.