保留入學資格新生入學作業Guidelines of Re-Enrollment for Retained Students

(作業流程Re-enrollment Procedures  保留入學資格新生入學申請表Re-enrollment Form  )

主辦單位:教務處註冊組Sponsor: Section of Registry
聯絡電話Campus Phone:03-4227151分機Ext.57115~57118、57122~57125
辦理時間:7月4日至7月31日止Application Dates: July 4 to July 31
Required Document: A copy of discharge must be enclosed with the application for re-enrollment if former retention is due to military service.


一、 保留期限屆滿(以一年為限,因服兵役辦理保留者不在此限),應到校辦理保留學籍新生入學手續。
Application for re-enrollment should be submitted if the retention is about to expire. (Except for students who apply for retention out of military cause, the accumulated time for retention is one year only.)

二、 辦理保留學籍新生入學手續,應先經系所審查,並會簽學務處生活輔導組宿舍服務中心,後送交教務處註冊組。
To apply for re-enrollment, students should get the ratification from the department first, then get the countersign from the Division of Student Conduct and Housing Service before submitting the form to the Section of Registry.

三、委託他人須附上 1-01 學籍與成績業務申辦委託書,受託人須出示身分證明文件以備查驗。
Entrust others to go to the counter of the school to apply, please fill out the application form and attach the power of attorney( 1-01 Letter of
Authorization for the Submission of Registration and Achievement business Applications
). The
trustee must show the proof of identity document for inspection.