保留入學資格作業Guidelines for Student Status Retention

(作業流程Retention Procedures  保留入學資格申請表Student Status Retention Form  )

主辦單位:教務處註冊組 Sponsor: Section of Registry
聯絡電話Campus Phone:03-4227151分機Ext. 57115~57118、57122~57125
Application Date: Before registration date according to school calendar
法令依據:本校學則第六條Study Regulations: Article 6 of NCU Study Regulations

一、 保留期限Retention Period:
以一年為限,惟保留期間應徵服義務役者,得檢具服役證明,申請延長保留期限,俟保留期滿檢送退伍令申請入學。All admission deferrals will be valid for one year with the sole exception of deferrals due to compulsory military service, in which case the prospective applicant must file an In-Service Soldier Certificate for the additional extension and apply for admission with the Military Service Release Order.

二、 申請資格Qualification:
(一) 因重病須長期療養,並持有健保局特約區域醫院以上出具之證明者。The student who has a serious illness requiring long-term treatment and can present documented evidence (verification) from a regional hospital or medical center under the National Health Insurance Program.
(二) 持有鄉鎮市區公所以上出具之低收入戶證明書者。The student who holds a low-income certificate issued by the local government at the district level or above.
(三) 境外生因故不能按時來校報到入學者。The student who is an Overseas Chinese student or foreign student who is unable to report for registration on time due to unforeseen reasons.
(四) 錄取後應徵服役者。The student who has received notification to report for military service after being admitted to the university.
(五) 因懷孕、生產、哺育三歲以下子女,並檢具相關證明文件者。The student who gets pregnant, gives birth, feeds and nurses children below 3 and can present documented evidence.
(六) 因其他不可抗力因素而無法於當學期註冊入學者。The student who is unable to register for the semester due to unforeseen circumstances.
(七) 轉學生除具本條規定第五款情況外,不得申請保留入學資格。Transfer students are not allowed to apply status retention unless fitting in with the item 5 descriptions above.

三、 應檢附之文件Required documents:
(一) 錄取(入學)通知書。The letter of admission.
(二) 學士班新生需繳交身分證及學歷證明影本。New undergraduate students should hand in a copy of ID card and the diploma.
(三) 健保局特約區域醫院以上出具之診斷證明書。Medical evidence from NHI registered hospitals.
(四) 鄉鎮市區公所以上出具之低收入戶證明書。Proof of low-income family from local authority.
(五) 服役證明書。Certificate of military service.
(六) 其他有關證明文件。Other related documents.
(七)委託他人須附上 1-01 學籍與成績業務申辦委託書,受託人須出示身分證明文件以備查驗。
Entrust others to go to the counter of the school to apply, please fill out the application form and attach the power of attorney( 1-01 Letter of
Authorization for the Submission of Registration and Achievement business Applications
). The
trustee must show the proof of identity document for inspection.

四、 申請保留入學資格,經核准得暫緩入學。保留入學資格期間,毋須繳納任何費用。If applications are accepted, applicants are allowed to postpone the registration. Tuition is not required during the retention.